Bethel Dental Clinic

My Teeth Look Straight: Do I Still Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Mar 5, 2024 @ 09:14 PM — by Charles Antwi
Tagged with: Orthodotics

Have you been told that you need orthodontics but you don’t understand why? If you have straight teeth and you’re unsure why you might benefit from orthodontics, we’ll discuss the reasons why people may require orthodontic treatment. 

At our dental practice in AccraGhana, we offer traditional orthodontics, clear aligners, and more to ensure our patients have the healthiest teeth and bites possible. We can also use orthodontics to address issues with the jaw. In this article, let’s look at a few reasons why you might benefit from treatment even with straight, healthy-looking teeth. 

Orthodontic Treatment for Bite Issues

Addressing crooked, gapped, or rotated teeth is just one area that orthodontics can address. You can certainly have straight-looking teeth but still suffer from an imperfect bite. We often see patients with:

During a visit to our Accra office, your dentist will provide a comprehensive exam and ask you about any symptoms that might not immediately be attributable to a bite issue.

Orthodontic Treatment for TMJ Disorder

If you have TMJ disorder, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the lower jaw to the skull, fails to function properly. Again, you might not be aware you clench or grind your teeth or have other symptoms of this problem. TMJ disorder can cause:

While you might be aware of and attribute some of these symptoms to other causes, others require a trained eye. For example, we might see hairline cracks on your molars that indicate you grind your teeth at night. 

How Could Orthodontic Care Help Me?

With bite issues and TMJ disorder, our patients sometimes experience difficultly finding a comfortable bite at rest. This is often the primary goal of orthodontic treatment: to pinpoint the healthiest, highest functioning, and most comfortable bite pattern. 

It’s important to keep in mind that metal brackets and wires (in the case of traditional orthodontics) and clear aligners like Invisalign® and ClearCorrect® are designed to move the teeth. In many cases, moving the teeth–even if your smile appears straight–can be beneficial to alleviate issues with the TMJs. If you suffer from a bite issue like an overbite, we’ll likely incorporate rubber bands into your braces or clear aligner treatment. By applying gentle, consistent force to the lower jaw, we can also achieve a better bite pattern.

Schedule an Appointment to Learn More

There’s more to a healthy, beautiful smile than straight teeth. Without treatment, the issues we discussed above will only worsen and create more complex, costly dental issues. You can trust our team at Bethel Dental Clinic in Accra because we combine skills, advanced technology, and great customer service. Plus, you and your family can receive all the care you need under one roof. Reach out to us today to request a consultation. We look forward to meeting with you!