Bethel Dental Clinic

Why You Should Consider Implant-Supported Dentures

Jan 7, 2023 @ 02:00 PM — by Charles Antwi
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Do you have several missing teeth or a whole arch? Consider dentures. The dentists at Bethel Dental Clinic can examine your teeth and gums to see if you qualify for dental implants. Although traditional dentures are a great option for replacing missing teeth, we recommend implant-supported dentures to our patients in Accra and all of Ghana.

Between the two options, our dentists recommend implants over removable dentures. However, not everyone qualifies for implants. Here are some factors and features to consider when it comes to implants over traditional dentures.


Complete Treatment

Some dental practices will refer you to an outside oral surgeon for your dental implant placement. The doctors at Bethel Dental Clinic have the training and technology to perform your entire implant-supported dentures procedure at our Accra office.


Removable dentures can slip out of place or make clicking noises. As time goes on, your prosthetic will need to be readjusted so it fits better. Implants are secured in place, eliminating any chance of the prosthetic moving around your gums.

Better Jaw Health

After losing just one tooth, our jawbone tissue begins to deteriorate. Dental implants are the only treatment known to stimulate the tissue, strengthening the jawbone.

Minimal Implants Needed

Some patients are surprised to learn it only takes four to six implants to secure a full set of dentures permanently. Your prosthetic will have stronger biting strength thanks to the implants, mimicking your natural teeth.

Long Lasting

Implants will last a lifetime while dentures can last about a decade, with the proper care. Prosthetic dentures will require occasional adjustments as they shift in shape from use over time. Implant-supported dentures don’t require as much adjusting and are taken care of just like natural teeth.

Qualifying for Treatment

The benefits of implants make them a superior option over traditional prosthetics. In order to qualify for implants however, patients must meet specific requirements, including:

Good Overall Health

Your gums must be healthy so they can heal after dental implant surgery. You should also be in good overall health. Chronic health issues can slow your ability to heal. If you have a condition like diabetes, removable dentures may be better suited for you.

Sufficient Jawbone Density

In order for dental implant placement to be successful, you must have enough jawbone density for the implant to fuse with. Patients who lack the necessary jawbone tissue can see if they qualify for a bone graft or sinus lift. These procedures will give you the proper density needed for implants to take hold.

Trust Bethel Dental Clinic

In addition to your health, one of the most important factors in having safe and effective implant surgery are the doctors performing the procedure. Dr. Gabriel Ketemepi has a specialization in oral and maxillofacial surgery with the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons. He also completed dental implant training with Cezanne Dental Implantology Centre in Berlin.

Choosing a trained and experienced dentist like Dr. Ketemepi to perform your implant surgery is key to minimizing risks and complications.

We’re here to help all of Ghana achieve a functional and healthy smile. Contact our Accra office or call us at (233) 030-277-1155 to learn what our team can do for you!